Who remembers?
It seems like only yesterday that I was receiving a lecture from my parents about signing up for the record club...man it seemed like...
Drive In Movies
It seems like yesterday that my parents would check the movies listings for the Drive-In and we would grab a pizza or a bucket of chicken...
Over and Over again
Here at RODTEES we like to create a fun and creative environment which means usually in addition to having cool surroundings here in the...
Monsters, Finks and other inspirations!
I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana except for a brief period most summers after I was done playing baseball when I got to go visit my...
We get by with a lot of help from our friends!
As I sit here and strategize how in the world we are going to get our business moved to our new facility in the next 4 weeks I look back...
New shop!
Excited to announce that RODTEES/YourLogoWear has found a new and much larger home in order to fulfill your orders for custom merch. We...
Why I love my job/biz
Today as I was driving in to the shop and scanning emails while sitting in the drop off line at my daughter's school I was reminded why I...
T-Shirts & other Crap!
Many people have asked me about the tagline we have used for the last 15 years which is: T-SHIRTS & OTHER CRAP! They ask why I use a...